Agile, hierarchical or hybrid? Dynamic changes in the environment, new strategies and untapped potentials often require a change in the organization. Thereby, very different options for organizational design, merger & acquisition, as well as (cross-)company collaboration in cooperations, platforms and ecosystems are possible.

hs:results works with you to develop new forms of organization and cooperation in order to optimize your value creation.  

These organizational changes are often accompanied by high attention and influence from various stakeholders. Resistance and uncertainty on the part of employees are the order of the day. A particular challenge is that the operational business should continue to run successfully “unaffected” during the reorganization.

Change processes proposed by hs:results therefore support the following goals:
  • The inclusion of the potentials of all stakeholders from different spheres of influence
  • A clear orientation for employees and managers on different levels
  • First impulses in the direction of a new organization already in the first phase of the project
  • Early development of a communication storyline with the core team



Many paths lead to business success – low prices, innovations, customized offers, to name just a few. But which path is the best for your company or your area? And which are the most attractive customers for you?

hs:results works with you to develop a clear strategic direction for your company or division. Starting with the target group, through the strongest positioning, to the optimal value creation with necessary changes in processes and behavior of the employees.

In order not to lose sight of the common thread in this complexity, hs:results guides you quickly, structured and creatively to an overall picture of your future success, which will convince your employees and thus be implemented sustainably.


hs:results understands leadership as an important lever to ensure the future viability of an organization. Across leadership fashions, good leadership decisions arise for us in a field of tension between

  • the strategic challenges
  • the leadership challenges of the logic of the organizational structure
  • the grown culture in the company

In this sense hs:results accompanies you to

  • Analyze your existing leadership culture, as well as the strategic and structural organizational challenges
  • Determine the leadership culture that is individually coherent for your organization and that can be authentically exemplified by top management.
  • Derive the necessary leadership impulses through change, training programs, coaching and optimization of leadership systems, to implement them and to optimize them in terms of their effectiveness.


In many companies, the current challenges are clearly defined: in addition to cost pressure, there is an ever-increasing need to adapt to the current opportunities and requirements of the market – and to do so in a continuous process. Not every employee manages to keep up.

This makes it even more important to

  • consistently align the company with value creation for customers and markets
  • differentiate from competition with a high rate of innovation
  • change the management culture in such a way that employees are able and willing to keep up

Constantly changing demands of markets and the pressure from competitors lead to new questions:
  • How do I avoid stalling of information and ensure that the flow of information is maintained when management makes decisions and employees implement them?
  • What do I do when the demands of the market no longer match with competences of our employees?
  • How do I manage to turn company residents into active co-creators?
  • How do I manage the political smokescreen of important stakeholders?
  • How do I realize the know-how transfer of employees who leave the company?
  • How do I integrate new employees in a way that their innovative approaches are heard and have an impact?
  • How do I get the company out of the reaction trap and into the role of active market shaper?


Growth through innovation, a new strategic orientation towards the customer, efficiency increases through process optimization, etc.: long term entrepreneurial decisions, whether made consciously or unconsciously, determine how investments are made, how cooperation takes place, how work is done and how decisions are made. Often, it is not the strategy but the culture of the company that makes the difference between success and failure. This applies both internally and externally. The corporate culture determines whether a company is innovative, pragmatic, or willing to take risks. Do the employees pull together or is the company rather uninspired, bureaucratic, trimmed to avoid mistakes, in which everyone protects themselves against everyone else?

Corporate culture has hard business consequences, is constantly in motion and evolving.

hs:results has extensive experience in designing and supporting goal-oriented cultural change processes.


Digital transformation confronts organizations with immense challenges. In addition to technological developments and innovations such as AI and blockchain, new business models, new cooperation patterns internally and across organizational boundaries are just some of the levers that create competitive pressure, but also opportunities for organizations. hs:results supports in identifying these challenges and opportunities and leveraging them for the organization. In doing so, the areas of tension that arise during implementation in relation to the classic cash cow business areas and the classic hierarchy are actively managed to create a successful learning process for the organization.